Starwing Elite Book 3: GHOST FLEET

Starwing Elite Book 3: GHOST FLEET From the novel: The door hesitated. “I need to caution you that Dredge is a total psychopath with strong dissociation tendencies. She is currently rated at….” “I know how…

A THOUSAND CUTS: The Bizarre Underground World of Collectors and Dealers Who Saved the Movies

In some ways, A Thousand Cuts is a sequel to another book about film collectors, Land of a Thousand Balconies by Jack Stevenson, published in 2003. The other book came out when DVD’s were supplanting film collecting and there were still plenty of video stores you could rent movies from every day. Now, the video stores have gone the way of the Drive-In. I count myself fortunate to have seen two forms of entertainment medium rise and fall. Everything can be found on the Internet these days and you can always order the special edition Blu-ray if you’re really dedicated. Gone are the days when I had to see Animal House a third time to hear what Dean Wormer and Carmine were discussing because the laughter of the audience drowned out their conversation.


Love on a Plate (This was done for the 10/27/16 local writers’ group story jam and was inspired by Chelsea Quinn Yarbo’s Disturb Not My Slumbering Fair, which has the greatest opening line in history)…


(Here is the text from my submission to the story jam I participated in on 7/21/16. The theme used was “Love and Rockets”) At four in the afternoon, Jack discovered the homunculus was out of…